Reader participation time!
Dear readers:
Thanks for all the comments and e-mail. Earlier this week I got a great e-mail from "Rurik- the Poet Lariat" entitled "The international situation gets verse". He sent me a spoof on the UN set to the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" - it's posted below. This inspired me to see how creative our readership is. Here is the challenge: post a poem, song spoof, limerick, haiku whatever about the UN or any international affair or topic you like and we'll pick a winner. I can't really send out a prize, this being an anonymous site and all, but we'll figure out some way to reward the winner. The rules are as follows: it has to fit in a single comments space (i.e. 1000 characters or less) and has to be more or less profanity free, just use your own judgment. Contest ends on 28 February. Oh, and p
UNs are acceptable too (sorry, couldn't resist).
The Twelve Days of Annanzaa
On the first day of Annanzaa the UN gave to me
A sniper in a palm tree.
On the second day of Annanzaa the UN gave to me
Two pseudo-doves
And a sniper in a palm tree.
Twelve Countries bumming
Eleven gripers griping
Ten spies a-peeping
Nine peace-keepers sleeping
Eight agencies milking
Seven inspectors skimming
Six commissioners preying
Five bribery rings
Four brawling Kurds
Three false friends
Two pseudo-doves
And a sniper in a palm tree.
- The Poet Lariat
If you think this is a lynching, it only gets verse.End of post.